Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Canadian Aviation and Space Museum

Ottawa has an awesome museum of aviation! As opposed to all of the other (many!) airplane musea that we have visited, Canada Aviation and Space Museum is completely indoors and is immaculate. Also as opposed to most U.S. aviation museums that tend to focus on war planes, this one focused mainly on the history and diversity of those small airplanes with pontoons that Canadians use to get into the areas of Canada with no roads.

There were some excellent flight simulators. Both kids got a turn. Sam did very well.

Joseph managed to crash his plane 10 times in 5 minutes--several times before even leaving the runway.

There was also a gallery on the Canadian Space Agency. As near as I could glean from the display, the Canadian Space Agency consists of about 16 astronauts, one of whom is actually a Greenlander and half of whom have never been in space.

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